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Omega Zodiac Novice Basic Operation

Source:EPS Digital Studios Release Time:2020-12-25 17:31:51 Views:2006
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1. Player Walking
In the game screen, the character you control is located near the center of the screen. When moving the position, just move the mouse to the place you want to reach and click the left button.

2. Pick Up Items
When there is a falling item on the ground, walk to the side of the item, the mouse will become a hand-picking shape, click the left mouse button to pick it up. Alternatively, the player can directly click the keyboard [F] key (system default) to automatically pick it up.

3. Use Item
Click the [Bag] icon in the shortcut icon bar at the bottom right of the screen or press the shortcut key "B" to open the [Bag] interface. Move the mouse to an item in the inventory, and double-click with the mouse; after one click, click Use on the right of the mouse or click to select Wear and remove equipment in the opened menu bar.

4. Delete Items
Select an item in [Backpack], hold down the left button to grab the item, drag it out of the prop backpack, release the left button and the system will prompt "Whether you want to delete the item" and select "OK" The item disappears after being discarded.
Note: The items cannot be recovered after being discarded, please operate with caution!

5. Basic Attack
Left-click on the target to perform a normal attack on the target.

6. Talk to NPC
Hold the mouse on the NPC and click the left mouse button to talk to it or purchase items.

7. Left-Click Menu
In the friend menu or chat channel, click the player's avatar with the left mouse button or click the player's name in the chat window, and you can choose to view information, window chat, copy name, add to blacklist, delete friends and other functions.

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Resist bad games, refuse pirated games. Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived. Moderate gaming benefits the brain, addiction to gaming harms the body. Arrange your time reasonably, enjoy a healthy life. Age rating: Suitable for use by those 18 and older.