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We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie

We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie

The King of the Cosmos once accidentally destroyed all the stars in the universe. He sent his son, the Prince, to Earth and ordered him to create a large katamari. The Prince rolled the katamari and made the katamari bigger and bigger, rolling up all the things on the earth. The katamari that he created floated in space, sparkling, and brought back the lost starry sky. As the starry sky was restored, the King's fans gradually grew in number all over the world. The King wanted to respond to the wishes of his fans for his success, and the Prince kept rolling the katamari to make everyone's dreams come true. •We Love Katamari Damacy has been powered up! We Love Katamari Damacy, the second title in the Katamari series released in 2005, has been remastered. The graphics have been completely redesigned, and the in-game UI has been revamped to make it even easier to play. •New additional features such as Royal Reverie are also available! In his youth, the King received a strict education from his father, the Great King. New challenges have been added where you can roll around as the King in his boyhood! The days of hard study and intense training can all be rolled through in 5 all-new challenges. Will the young King be able to clear the tough challenges? In addition, a selfie mode has been added, allowing the Prince and his cousins to take quick photos while rolling through the stages! •A simple but very deep game! Roll the katamari, roll up objects, and make the katamari bigger. You can roll up anything from paper clips and snacks in the house, to telephone poles and buildings in the town, to even living creatures such as people and animals. Once the katamari is complete, it will turn into a star that colors the night sky. You cannot roll up anything larger than the current size of your katamari, so the key is to think in advance about the order in which you roll things up around the stage! *This product is based on the We Love Katamari software that was released in 2005 on another platform. Some specifications are different.

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  • Release Date: 14/10/2024
  • Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc.
  • Distribution platform: MG Store
  • User Ratings: starstarstarstarstar
  • Official Website: https://www.xbox.com/
  • Email: None

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The King of the Cosmos once accidentally destroyed all the stars in the universe. He sent his son, the Prince, to Earth and ordered him to create a large katamari. The Prince rolled the katamari and made the katamari bigger and bigger, rolling up all the things on the earth. The katamari that he created floated in space, sparkling, and brought back the lost starry sky. As the starry sky was restored, the King's fans gradually grew in number all over the world. The King wanted to respond to the wishes of his fans for his success, and the Prince kept rolling the katamari to make everyone's dreams come true. •We Love Katamari Damacy has been powered up! We Love Katamari Damacy, the second title in the Katamari series released in 2005, has been remastered. The graphics have been completely redesigned, and the in-game UI has been revamped to make it even easier to play. •New additional features such as Royal Reverie are also available! In his youth, the King received a strict education from his father, the Great King. New challenges have been added where you can roll around as the King in his boyhood! The days of hard study and intense training can all be rolled through in 5 all-new challenges. Will the young King be able to clear the tough challenges? In addition, a selfie mode has been added, allowing the Prince and his cousins to take quick photos while rolling through the stages! •A simple but very deep game! Roll the katamari, roll up objects, and make the katamari bigger. You can roll up anything from paper clips and snacks in the house, to telephone poles and buildings in the town, to even living creatures such as people and animals. Once the katamari is complete, it will turn into a star that colors the night sky. You cannot roll up anything larger than the current size of your katamari, so the key is to think in advance about the order in which you roll things up around the stage! *This product is based on the We Love Katamari software that was released in 2005 on another platform. Some specifications are different.
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pc iconSystem Requirements
  • Minimum
    System: Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher
    CPU: Intel Core i3-2125 or AMD A8-6600K
    Memory: 4GB RAM
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
    Hard Disk Drive: 500MB
  • Recommended
    System: Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher
    CPU: Intel Core i5-2300
    Memory: 8GB RAM
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 760
    Hard Disk Drive: 800MB
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English Simplified Chinese
Resist bad games, refuse pirated games. Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived. Moderate gaming benefits the brain, addiction to gaming harms the body. Arrange your time reasonably, enjoy a healthy life. Age rating: Suitable for use by those 18 and older.
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