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Besiege (Game Preview)

Besiege (Game Preview)

Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal. Create a trundling behemoth, or take clumsily to the skies, and cause carnage in fully destructible environments. Ultimately, you must conquer every Kingdom by crippling their castles and annihilating their men and livestock, in as creative or clinical a manner as possible! Battle against other players in custom arenas or team up with your friends to destroy armies of knights, obliterate fortresses and sack settlements, by travelling through into the Multiverse! Download other player’s war machines, levels, skins and even mods through the Mod.io workshop to further customize your playing experience! Can’t find what you are looking for? Build it yourself! In the level editor, you decide where players spawn, what the objective is and what it looks like. Adding sheep and peasants will bring a level of charm to your game but archers or yak-bombs will challenge your players as they attempt to complete the objective. Still looking for more? Expand the Besiege experience by creating your own mods or downloading existing mods from the workshop. Mods allow you to add custom machine blocks, level objects, level logic and much more!

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  • Release Date: 09/11/2022
  • Publisher: Spiderling Studios
  • Distribution platform: Microsoft Store
  • User Ratings: starstarstarstarstar
  • Official Website: https://www.xbox.com/
  • Email: None


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Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal. Create a trundling behemoth, or take clumsily to the skies, and cause carnage in fully destructible environments. Ultimately, you must conquer every Kingdom by crippling their castles and annihilating their men and livestock, in as creative or clinical a manner as possible! Battle against other players in custom arenas or team up with your friends to destroy armies of knights, obliterate fortresses and sack settlements, by travelling through into the Multiverse! Download other player’s war machines, levels, skins and even mods through the Mod.io workshop to further customize your playing experience! Can’t find what you are looking for? Build it yourself! In the level editor, you decide where players spawn, what the objective is and what it looks like. Adding sheep and peasants will bring a level of charm to your game but archers or yak-bombs will challenge your players as they attempt to complete the objective. Still looking for more? Expand the Besiege experience by creating your own mods or downloading existing mods from the workshop. Mods allow you to add custom machine blocks, level objects, level logic and much more!
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pc iconSystem Requirements
  • Minimum
    System: Windows 10 32bit
    CPU: Intel Core i3-2100
    Memory: 4GB RAM
    Graphics Card: Nvdia GeForce GTX 550ti
    Hard Disk Drive: 2GB
  • Recommended
    System: Windows 10 64bit
    CPU: Intel Core i5-2100
    Memory: 8GB RAM
    Graphics Card: Nvdia GeForce GTX 1060ti
    Hard Disk Drive: 2GB
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Resist bad games, refuse pirated games. Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived. Moderate gaming benefits the brain, addiction to gaming harms the body. Arrange your time reasonably, enjoy a healthy life. Age rating: Suitable for use by those 18 and older.
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